How secure are university email accounts?

Would your password withstand 100 guesses from a hacker?
A little PII could be enough to give attackers the edge

Ask Slashdot: Should Web Browsers Have 'Fact Checking' Capability Built-In?
Reader dryriver writes: There is no shortage of internet websites these days that peddle “information”, “knowledge”, “analysis”, “explanations” or even supposed “facts” that don’t hold up to even the most basic scrutiny — one quick trip over to Wikipedia, Snopes,…

CBC Threatens Podcast App Makers, Argues that RSS Readers Violate Copyright
Cory Doctorow, writing for BoingBoing (condensed):The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) publishes several excellent podcasts, and like every podcast in the world, these podcasts are available via any podcast app in the same way that all web pages can be fetched…

After Protest, Lenovo Releases BIOS For Loading Linux on Yoga 900, IdeaPad 710S
Lenovo received a lot of heat in September when it said the Yoga 900 and Yoga 900S hybrids would only support Windows, and not Linux. The company has now changed its stance, though there is still a catch. An anonymous…

Ireland Will Bring the Fight Over Apple Taxes To the EU Court
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Digital Trends: The tax debate between Apple, Ireland, and the European Union may escalate in the next few months. According to recent reports, the Irish Finance Minister, Michael Noonan, will bring the debate…

The First Hyperloop System Will Connect Passengers From Dubai To Abu Dhabi In Twelve Minutes
Hyperloop One has announced today that it would build the first commercial hyperloop transportation system from Dubai to Abu Dhabi — a trip that would take only twelve minutes. TechCrunch reports: The journey is 99 miles (159.4 km) long and…

Microsoft Tears off the Band-Aid with EMET
Microsoft extended the end of life deadline on EMET to July 2018, but experts say its usefulness as a mitigation toolkit has been limited for some time.

Tesco Bank Stops Online Transactions After Money Missing from 20K Accounts
Tesco Bank, a U.K. retail bank, today put a halt to online transactions from current accounts after some customers reported over the weekend money missing from their accounts.

Risk of Election Day Cyberattacks Low According To Experts
Security experts monitoring cyber-chatter for virtual and real-world threats against U.S. Election Day targets don’t believe there will be cyberattack or al-Qaeda terror attack this Tuesday.