Cable Lobby Survey Backfires; Most Americans Support Net Neutrality

New submitter Rick Schumann writes from a report via Consumerist: The NCTA hired polling firm Morning Consult to survey people about their attitudes toward net neutrality. In the results and a blog post about the survey, the organization crows that clearly, everyone thinks regulation is bad. Here’s the “TL;DR” version: The NCTA claims Americans want “light touch” regulation of the “internet,” but did not ask about regulation of internet service providers. The survey claims most voters believe regulation will harm innovation and investment, but their own numbers show that just as many people believe it won’t. Most people don’t believe the internet should be regulated like a “public utility,” which is good because that’s not what net neutrality does. When people were asked their feelings about what neutrality actually does, they overwhelmingly support it.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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