AOL To Cut 500 Workers To Narrow Focus On Mobile, Video
Mozilla Launches Firefox Focus, a Stripped-Down Private Browser For iOS
Music Torrent Site What.CD Has Been Shut Down

Music Torrent Site What.CD Has Been Shut Down

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge:, an invite-only music torrent website first launched in 2007, has been shut down after a raid by French authorities. The private tracker offered free (and often illegal) access to a…

New Chrome Extension Automatically Negotiates With Comcast For Rate Discounts
Gang Up on the Problem, Not Each Other
iPhone Call History Synced to iCloud Without User Consent, Knowledge
iOS 10 Passcode Bypass Can Access Photos, Contacts
Google Removing SHA-1 Support in Chrome 56
Browse With Encryption

Browse With Encryption

When browsing online, encrypting your online activities is one of the best ways to protect yourself. Make sure your online connection is encrypted by making sure HTTPS is in the website address and that there is a green lock next…

Concern and confusion over privacy and security of AR technology