The emails reportedly show Russia’s organizing Ukrainian separatists. The hack, if legit, shows Russian leaders are as vulnerable as others.

Oil exec accused of impersonating Elon Musk in an email sues Tesla over Twitter hack
Todd Katz says Tesla illegally accessed his Twitter account in its investigation of a Yahoo email crafted to look like it came from Musk.

Tor marketplaces shut down by Operation Hyperion
Law enforcement agencies from around the world joined together in the latest campaign to take down illegal marketplaces on Tor.

Worried about the Tesco Bank attack? Here’s our advice
Tesco Bank has pledged to refund any money stolen from customers, but it’s always a good idea to review your security, whoever you bank with

Clever Gmail Hack Let Attackers Take Over Accounts
Google patched a hole in its Gmail verification system last week that allowed an attacker to hijack a targeted Google Gmail account.