InfoWorld has identified “seven of the gnarliest corners of the programming world,” which Slashdot reader snydeq describes as “worthy of large markers reading, ‘Here be dragons.’” Some examples: Multithreading. “It sounded like a good idea,” according to the article, but…

OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Version 3.0 Released
Need a new set of generic attack detection rules for your web application firewall? Try the new OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set version 3.0.0! Long-time Slashdot reader dune73 writes: The OWASP CRS is a widely-used Open Source set of generic…

Ethernet Consortia Wants To Unlock a More Time-Sensitive Network
Does Ethernet need new features like “stream reservation” and time synchronization to make sure time-sensitive data isn’t delayed on the network? coondoggie quotes Network World: The demand from Internet of Things, automotive networking and video applications are driving changes to…

Anatomy of a Chrome for Android bug: the mixed-up world of mobile browsers
As the old adage goes, the devil’s in the details, so here they are.

Computer Issue Affecting Some Airlines Resolved: American Airlines
American Airlines said Friday Sabre had faced a brief technical issue that impacted multiple carriers. The issue has, however, been resolved. From a report on NBC Chicago: A technical issue at with a computer IT firm briefly caused technical problems…

BlackBerry's Keyboard is Coming Back for One Last Dance
BlackBerry has officially stopped making its own phones, but the company has one last treat for die-hard fans: a new phone sporting its trademark physical keyboard. According to Bloomberg: Chief Executive Officer John Chen had hinted at the phone in…

IMDb Sues California To Overturn Law Forcing Them To Remove Actors' Ages
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is suing California over a law forcing the website to remove the ages of actors on request, saying it is unconstitutional. California passed a law in…

Researchers Set To Work On Malware-Detecting CPUs
Orome1 quotes a report from Help Net Security: Adding hardware protections to software ones in order to block the ever increasing onslaught of computer malware seems like a solid idea, and a group of researchers have just been given a…

FBI Operated 23 Tor-Hidden Child Porn Sites, Deployed Malware From Them
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Federal investigators temporarily seized a Tor-hidden site known as Playpen in 2015 and operated it for 13 days before shutting it down. The agency then used a “network investigative technique” (NIT)…

OpenSSL Patches High-Severity Denial-of-Service Bug
An OpenSSL update released on Thursday patched three vulnerabilities included one rated high severity in TLS connections using the ChaCha20-Poly 1305 ciphersuite.