Scans show tens of thousands of Windows servers infected with the DoublePulsar kernel exploit leaked by the ShadowBrokers two weeks ago.

SMSVova Spyware Hiding in ‘System Update’ App Ejected From Google Play Store
An Android app that falsely claimed to be a tool for keeping smartphones up-to-date with the latest version of the OS was found surreptitiously tracking the physical location of it users using spyware called SMSVova.

UK government reports on business breaches and it’s not pretty
Almost half have experienced a cyber attack while a third do not have anyone at board level tasked with cyber security.

Mirai and Hajime Locked Into IoT Botnet Battle
A white hat hacker is believed responsible for the Hajime IoT botnet because its main objective appears to be to secure IoT devices vulnerable to the notorious Mirai malware.

Stuxnet LNK Exploits Still Widely Circulated
Endpoints are still encountering exploits for the LNK vulnerability, one of the principal infection mechanisms used by the Stuxnet worm.

How tech support scammers have made millions of dollars
Researchers who spent eight months digging into the scammers’ techniques reveal the tools the bad guys use and the money they’ve made

The IoT malware that plays cat and mouse with Mirai
A botnet dubbed Hajime uses much the same tactics as Mirai – but to neutralise the damage done. Is this a good thing, though?

Low-Cost Ransomware Service Discovered
A new ransomware-as-a-service called Karmen appeals to ransomware newbies with a low price, easy setup and developer updates.

IHG Confirms Second Credit Card Breach Impacting 1,000-Plus Hotels
InterContinental Hotels Group said on Friday that it found malware designed to access payment card data at more than 1,000 of its hotels.

Exploit Kit Activity Quiets, But Is Far From Silent
Here are the exploit kits to watch for over the next three to six months.