A campaign attributed to the FIN7 attackers targets restaurants with phishing emails and infected RTF Word documents that carry out fileless malware attacks.
Zusy Malware Installs Via Mouseover – No Clicking Required
Zusy malware installs when victims hover over an opened PowerPoint file – no clicking needed.
Terror Exploit Kit Evolves Into Larger Threat
The Terror exploit kit has matured into a greater threat and carefully crafts attacks based on a user’s browser environment.
Attack Method Highlights Weaknesses in Microsoft CFG
As Microsoft hardens its defenses with tools such as Control Flow Guard, researchers at Endgame are preparing for the reality of Counterfeit Object-Oriented Programming attacks to move from theoretical to real.
Gmail now blocks all JavaScript email attachments
Google’s move will help protect your computer, but there are further steps you can take, too
Every move you make, every click you take, we’ll be watching you
‘Subject, are you still there?’ Jaunty website aims to make clear just how closely our online movements are tracked