Businesses say overturning one of the nation’s strongest internet privacy protection rules will deal a blow to data privacy, security and integrity for businesses and consumers alike.
Why government plans to spy on WhatsApp will fail
After last week’s attack in London, the home secretary called on television for cryptographic regression – but that won’t deliver what she wants
News in brief: Hong Kong voters’ data lost; Rudd faces pushback; Google Home lands in Britain
Your daily round-up of some of the other stories in the news
Threatpost News Wrap, March 27, 2017
The latest Wikileaks dump of Apple hacking tools, the LastPass vulnerabilities, and a new Android security report are discussed.
‘I forgot my password’ doesn’t impress judge in a child images case
Is this defendant protected by the Fifth Amendment over revealing his password? Campaigners think he is – and predict that the case might go to the Supreme Court
Paper Spells Out Tech, Legal Options for Encryption Workarounds
Bruce Schneier and Orin Kerr have written a paper that explains the technological and legal issues associated with six encryption workarounds available to law enforcement.
News in brief: NASA finds lost spaceships; data stored on an atom; Viber adds self-destruct chats
Your daily round-up of some of the other stories in the news
Honey, I Wiretapped the Kids [Chet Chat Podcast 259]
Here’s our latest security podcast – enjoy!
Secrets of the Filecode ransomware revealed
Cryptography can be fun! Our resident cryptosplainer Paul Ducklin shows how to recover from the Filecode ransomware without paying up.
Judge denies blanket right to compel fingerprint iPhone unlocking
Warrant is using an ‘overly broad’ clause as a boilerplate – and that doesn’t wash, rules Chicago judge