iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra public beta testers will be automatically upgraded from 2SV. But, most users are unclear about the benefits of using 2FA.

Threatpost News Wrap, June 9, 2017
How EternalBlue was ported to Windows 10, a Facebook phishing study, QakBot, and this week’s Apple security announcements are all discussed.

Hacked Twitter account spits out poison – make sure yours isn’t next
Salem State University was horrified when its account was taken over and used to spout racist venom – how could they have prevented it? We’ve got some advice

Man jailed for stealing images and details from more than 50 women
When someone like this is caught and jailed it’s a sobering reminder to check our own digital footprint – here are some tips to help you secure your information

Digital watermark leads police straight to Bollywood pirates
Digital signing led police to the would-be extortionists – a welcome turnaround for the movie industry after a run of thefts

Walk this way: how you roll could become how you log in
Combining biometrics and wearable technologies opens up new possibilities for future multi-factor authentication systems

News in brief: twins fox bank’s voice security; FCC moves on net neutrality; torrent site closes
Your daily round-up of some of the other stories in the news

News in brief: Game of Thrones tells cast to use 2FA; Cisco flaw patched; Windows 10 on 500m devices
Your daily round-up of some of the other stories in the news

Fraudsters draining accounts with ‘SIM swaps’ – what to do
If crooks can get a new SIM issued in your name, they take over your phone number and your text messages… and your phone goes dead.

More LastPass flaws: researcher pokes holes in 2FA
LastPass has been in the news again for another chink in its armour – though it has now been fixed, you’ll be glad to hear