Hackers Make New Claim in San Francisco Transit Ransomware Attack
PayPal Fixes OAuth Token Leaking Vulnerability
Monday review – the hot 20 stories of the week
Concern over FBI operation to catch users of darkweb site
Sugar-Free Products Might Actually Stop Us From Getting Slimmer
Self-Driving Trucks Begin Real-World Tests on Ohio's Highways
You Can Now Rent A Mirai Botnet Of 400,000 Bots

You Can Now Rent A Mirai Botnet Of 400,000 Bots

An anonymous reader writes: Two hackers are renting access to a massive Mirai botnet, which they claim has more than 400,000 infected bots, ready to carry out DDoS attacks at anyone’s behest. The hackers have quite a reputation on the…

Julian Assange Could Be Time's 'Person Of The Year', And Is Also Still Not Dead
Online Pranksters Mock Trump's $149 Christmas Ornament, Rename Trump Tower on Google Maps
Open-Source Hardware Makers Unite To Start Certifying Products

Open-Source Hardware Makers Unite To Start Certifying Products

An anonymous reader quotes InfoWorld on the new certifications from the Open Source Hardware Association: The goal of certification is to clearly identify open-source hardware separate from the mish-mash of other hardware products. The certification allows hardware designs to be…