New Book Describes How AirBNB Influenced City Laws

New Book Describes How AirBNB Influenced City Laws

“For years, Airbnb was the friendly foil to Uber, aiming to work with cities rather than against them,” writes Slashdot reader mirandakatz. “But as it grew and regulatory challenges mounted, the startup had to grow fangs.” She shares an excerpt…

Ask Slashdot: How Do You Deal With Aggressive Forum Users?
Massive Study Links IP Addresses Per Capita To GDP

Massive Study Links IP Addresses Per Capita To GDP

Three researchers “decided to scan the entire IPv4 address range every 15 minutes between 2006-2012 to work out what insights they could gain from humanity’s mass connection to the internet,” reports ITnews. The study…analysed data from 411 large regions from…

Developer Argues For 'Forgotten Code Constructs' Like GOTO and Eval
Reporter Pans Open Source Laptop Kit TERES-I

Reporter Pans Open Source Laptop Kit TERES-I

The Verge’s Paul Miller has some harsh words for the $242 open source DIY laptop kit TERES-I from Olimex. Instead of buying one hyper-integrated board that has all of the laptop’s brains and I/O on it, you buy several little…

Lawsuit Claims Apple Forced Users To iOS 7 By Breaking FaceTime
FCC Rescinds Claim That AT&T, Verizon Violated Net Neutrality

FCC Rescinds Claim That AT&T, Verizon Violated Net Neutrality

jriding writes: The Federal Communications Commission’s new Republican leadership has rescinded a determination that ATT and Verizon Wireless violated net neutrality rules with paid data cap exemptions. The FCC also rescinded several other Wheeler-era reports and actions. The FCC released…

Misophonia: Scientists Crack Why Eating Sounds Can Make People Angry
Microsoft's H-1B Workers Cited In Motion That Successfully Blocked Trump's Travel Ban
Sweden Pledges To Cut All Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2045

Sweden Pledges To Cut All Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2045

Sweden has announced ambitious plans to completely phase out greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. The nation also reaffirmed the urgency of tackling climate change and called for all countries to “step up and fulfill the Paris Agreement.” The Independent reports:…